Hvad laver han for tiden?

Min track record – en uendelig lang liste over, hvad jeg laver for tiden

Updated December, 2024

Ongoing: Writing a book on a Jutland family during riots, civil war, and orthodox reformation in the 1500’s Denmark

Development of a “Claim your space and safety” project with the Gambian Media Academy for Journalism and Communication

Training Ugandan and Rwandan Science Journalists and CSOs in evidence-based advocacy and reporting – for Danish Development Research Network (DDRN)

Workshop in effective documentation for social workers at Hellebo Hus, Holbæk

Editing and feedback on the new “Guidelines for the Civil Society Fund”, for CISU, Civil Society in Development

Reporting from Gambia to Chaufførnyt, a magazine of the Drivers Club of the 3F Union

Producing videos and articles for newsletter and SoMe updates for GAMES, Gambia Media Support

Organisational learning and Training of trainers and managers at The Gambia’s Media Academy for Journalism and Communication

Development of a research project: “What Denmark can learn from the coexistence of Sami and Swedes”

Training of trainers in development of an investigative training program at Mongolia Press Institute

Project development: Empowerment of Science Journalists and CSOs in
Uganda and Rwanda

Updated May, 2024

Producing videos and articles for newsletter and SoMe updates for GAMES, Gambia Media Support

Organisational learning and Training of trainers and managers at The Gambia’s Media Academy for Journalism and Communication

Development of a research project: “What Denmark can learn from the coexistence of Sami and Swedes”

Training of trainers in development of an investigative training program at Mongolia Press Institute

Project development: Empowerment of Science Journalists and CSOs in
Uganda and Rwanda

Opdateret november, 2022

Web course on “Writing Strong Verbs” for The Freelance Group of the Danish Journalist Union

Coaching and feedback on a new website for Sporskift, a hostel for the homeless in Vanløse

Editing and feedback on “Guidelines for the Civil Society Fund”, for CISU, Civil Society in Development

Writing a journey on crossing my own footpath in Australia – for myself 🙂

Writing articles and editing the union newsletter of UddannelsesLederne

Workshop in “Public Speaking!” for CISU, Civil Society in Development

Web course on writing effective e-mails for The Freelance Group of the Danish Journalist Union

One week training of investigative reporters and editors from private TV and print media in Mongolia

One week Training of trainers in investigative journalism for Mongolia Press Institute

Producing videos and articles for newsletter and SoMe updates for GAMES, Gambia Media Support

Workshop in “Public Speaking!” in Copenhagen, for The Freelance Group of the Danish Journalist Union

Training effective communication, a four modules distance learning course for administrative staff at Region H’s psychiatric hospitals

Workshop on organizational learning and identity for CISU, Civil Society in Development

2 weeks mission on training of trainers and Public Speaking for civil society organisations for MAJaC, The Gambia

Writing articles and editing the union newsletter of UddannelsesLederne

Workshop on investigative methods in environmental journalism InfoNile.org’s course in Uganda for journalists from 10 Nile Basin countries

2 weeks mission on Journalism Safety, organizing a HEAT course with local trainers for GPU and MAJaC, The Gambia

Workshop in “Public Speaking!” in Aarhus, for The Freelance Group of the Danish Journalist Union

Writing articles and editing the union newsletter of UddannelsesLederne

Workshop in “Humor in communication”, for The Freelance Group of the Danish Journalist Union

Updated November, 2023

Ongoing: Writing a book on a Jutland family during riots, civil war, and orthodox reformation in the 1500’s Denmark

Workshop in documentation and setting goals, SPUC, Helsingør

Project development on combating irregular immigration for GAMES and Media Academy for Journalism and Communication

Reporting for the Danish Union of Social Workers

Fact-finding mission on creating a civil society coalition to combat irregular immigration for GAMES, and Media Academy for Journalism and Communication

Writing articles and editing the union newsletter of UddannelsesLederne

Reporting for the Danish Union of Social Workers

Workshop in documentation and setting goals for Trollesbro and other social services in Hillerød

Research project on riots, civil war, and orthodox reformation in the 1500’s Denmark

Writing articles on bus drivers’ paychecks for Chaufførnyt, a magazine of the Drivers Club of the 3F Union

2 weeks mission on organizational learning, project development, and training of trainers for Gambia Press Union and Media Academy for Journalism and Communication

Workshop in effective writing and editing for ”Dansk Musikterapi” and DM, a union for academic professionals

Documentation follow-up Course for social workers, at Sporskift, a hostel for the homeless in Glostrup and Vanløse

Opdateret april, 2022

Course in “Pimping Your Career”, for The Freelance Group of the Danish Journalist Union

Writing articles and editing the union newsletter of UddannelsesLederne

Documentation Course in 3 modules for social workers, at Team Golå, Silkeborg

3 weeks mission on Journalism Safety, organizational learning, and training of trainers for Gambia Press Union and Media Academy for Journalism and Communication

Live On-stage interview with chairperson of the Danish Journalist Union

Training journalists in Reportage and “Croquis Writing”, The Freelance Group of the Danish Union of journalists

Writing articles and editing the union newsletter of UddannelsesLederne

Training effective communication, a four modules distance learning course for administrative staff at Region H’s psychiatric hospitals

Course in documentation and interviewing citizens, at Birthe Mariehjem and Lene Mariehjem, Roskilde

Website development of http://vksplan.com/ and content writing, for Stabil-IT

Documentation Course in 4 modules for social workers, at Sporskift, a hostel for homeless in Vanløse

3 weeks mission on Journalism Safety, organizational learning, and training of trainers for Gambia Press Union and Media Academy for Journalism and Communication

Writing articles and editing the union newsletter of UddannelsesLederne

Editing a compendium on safety issues, for safety instructors at Region H’s psychiatric hospitals

Distance workshop for safety trainers, for Gambia Press Union

Web course in two modules on “Pimping Your Career”, for Dansk Magisterforening

Web course on writing effective e-mails, for Dansk Magisterforening

Writing articles on safety issues, for safety instructors at Region H’s psychiatric hospitals

Public presentation on “Memories of Man”, for Vivild Constituency Church

Web course in three modules on “Communicate Your Profession”, for Dansk Magisterforening

Distance workshop for safety trainers, for Gambia Press Union

Training effective communication, a four modules distance learning course for administrative staff at Region H’s psychiatric hospitals

Moderator of Grobund’ annual general assembly, in Ebeltoft

Training journalists in Reportage and “Croquis Writing”, The Freelance Group of the Danish Union of journalists

Video-lectures and consultations on assessing capacities of media organisations, for GAMES and Media Academy for Journalism and Communication

Nationwide training of superusers in VUM 2.0, for Socialstyrelsen

Writing articles and editing the union newsletter of UddannelsesLederne

Training of trainers in documentation from SPUC, Helsingør, at Filmbyen, Aarhus

Distance workshop for safety trainers, for Gambia Press Union

Consultations on setting goals for counselors at CFD, center for deaf and hard of hearing

Workshop on methodology description with the Professional Center for Special Needs, Aalborg

Training how to teach/how to learn, 3 days course in Filmbyen, Aarhus

Documentation Course in 3 modules for social workers, at Broen, Gentofte

Opdateret juli, 2020

Consultation on setting goals for experts and counselors at CFD, center for deaf and hard of hearing, Gladsaxe

Writing articles and editing the union newsletter of UddannelsesLederne

Consultation and workshop on creative unionizing – for trade union representatives, for Dansk Magisterforening

Video-lectures and consultations on adequate Corona-response, for GAMES and Media Academy for Journalism and Communication

Facilitator of the Communication Network of Erhverv Norddanmark

Web-courses on writing effective e-mails, for Dansk Magisterforening

Web-courses in three modules on writing active, analytical and angled texts, for Dansk Magisterforening

Linguatic Service Check for reporters – web-courses in three modules for Dansk Journalistforbund

Journalistic tools for visual journalists – web-courses in two modules for Dansk Journalistforbund

Web-courses in two modules on how be become creative, for Dansk Magisterforening

Opdateret marts, 2020

Video-linked full day trainings for 85 social workers and counselors, in Jammerbugt

Pep-talk on learning and setting goals for experts and counselors at CFD, center for deaf and hard of hearing, Gladsaxe

Documentation Course in 2 modules for social workers, at Louiselund, Kerterminde

Writing articles and editing the union newsletter of UddannelsesLederne

Developing content for a unionizing campaign, for the union of educational managers, UddannelsesLederne

Training of superusers in how to teach/how to learn, in Varde

Writing web content on urban farming for Petal International, Poland

Development of the project Empowering Civil Society Advocates, for GAMES and Media Academy for Journalism and Communication

Writing a booklet on methodology description for the Professional Center for Special Needs, Aalborg

Training of safety instructors in how to teach/how to learn, at Region H’s psychiatric hospitals

Training investigative reporters in narrative writing, NIRIJ, Iraq

Presentation on media development, at the second conference of The Network of the Iraqi Investigative Journalism (NIRIJ)

Training librarians on humor and creativity, at Randers Bibliotek

Writing project proposal on urban farming for Petal International, Poland

Project monitoring and Capacity Building at Gambia Press Union

Development of Journalism Safety Project development, training of trainers for Gambia Press Union and Media Academy for Journalism and Communication

Writing a booklet on methodology description for the women’s crisis center Hanne Mariehjem, Roskilde

Facilitator of the Communication Network of Erhverv Norddanmark

Learn to teach, course in pedagogy, at KommunikerBedre, Filmbyen

Video-linked presentation in effective writing of records and reflections, at SPUC, Helsingør

Documentation Course in 3 modules for social workers, in Jammerbugt

Meeting John Cleese to an informal talk about cooperation for the next humor festival in Horsens and Aarhus

Course in learning and setting goals, at the women’s crisis center Hanne Mariehjem, Roskilde

Passing Level II exam as an experiential learner of David Kolb, Institute for Experiential Learning, Cleveland, USA

Project Development and Training social workers as Superusers, in Jammerbugt

Revising a self-defense manual for safety instructors, at Region H’s psychiatric hospitals

Course in learning and setting goals, at Kirsten Mariehjem, Lyngby

Training staff in goals, at Synscenter Refnæs for the blind and partially sighted

Writing articles and editing the union newsletter of Frie Skolers Ledere

Opdateret april, 2019

Public presentation on Humor makes life lighter, Borum Forsamlingshus

Facilitator of the Communication Network of Erhverv Norddanmark

Coaching managers at social group homes

Training staff in goals, The Institute for the Blind and Partially Sighted (IBOS)

Project Development and Documentation Course in 3 modules for social councilors, Jammerbugt

Project development for Gambia Press Union and Media Academy for Journalism and Communication, training of trainers

Guide for GAMES’ Study Tour to the Gambia

Kalashnikov Your Career, training and idea development for freelance journalists, DJ

Documentation Course in 3 modules for Dept. “Adults with special needs”, Herlev

John Cleese, Long Distance Interview on Stage, for The John Cleese Festival 2018

Training staff in goal and evaluation, Center for development, Bøgelund

Reporting on management training for headmasters of Frie Skolers Ledere

Project management, training of trainers, at Media Academy for Journalism and Communication

Kalashnikov Your Career, training and idea development for freelance journalists, DJ

Fact finding mission in Iceland for a West Nordic investigative research project

Meeting John Cleese to an informal talk about humor and anxiety

Documentation Course in modules for “Dept. for Special Needs”, Aalborg

Nationwide training of VISO specialists in setting goals for research and consultancies, Socialstyrelsen

Opdateret marts, 2018

Learn to learn, presentation at Dox:World Film School, Aarhus

Project Development: The John Cleese Humor Festival 2018 – with John Cleese Society of Århus & Omegn

Coaching the mentors in goal and evaluation, SPUC, Helsingør

Writing articles and editing the union newsletter of UddannelsesLederne

Project Development: Experiential Distance Learning, with GAMES, MAJaC and Institute for Experiential Learning, Cleveland, USA

Documentation Course in 3 modules for Dept. “Adults with special needs”, Albertslund

Project Development: Kick-off “Media Academy for Communication and Journalism” (MAJaC), The Gambia

Course in setting goals in 3 modules for VISO, Socialstyrelsen

Developing a union newsletter and website for UddannelsesLederne

Documentation Course in 3 modules for Taleinstituttet/Hjerneskadecenter Nordjylland, Aalborg

Opdateret december, 2017

Facilitator of the Communication Network of Erhverv Norddanmark

Certification in Experiential Learning, level 1, from Institute for Experiential Learning, Cleveland, USA

Writing articles and editing the union newsletter of Frie Skolers Ledere

Development of formats and manuals for Taleinstituttet/Hjerneskadecenter Nordjylland, Aalborg

Course in effective communication, Comm. Dept. at Kolding Fjernvarme

Public presentation in setting goals, SPUC, Helsingør

Course in setting and evaluating goals, Line & Birthe Mariehjem, Hedehusene

Mission to The Gambia for a joint project: GAMES, MFWA & IMS/GPU & The Ministry of Information

Course in public participation and conflict management, Jobcentret, Lemvig

Teambuilding of staff and management, Familiehuset, Frederikshavn

Training of trainers, project development in The Gambia for GAMES

Meeting David Kolb, Institute for Experiential Learning, Cleveland, USA

Humor in media, lecture at International Society of Humor Studies, Montreal, Canada

Teambuilding of staff and management, Juvelhuset, Herlev

Writing articles and editing the union newsletter of Frie Skolers Ledere

Opdateret maj, 2017

Mission to The Gambia for a joint project: GAMES, MFWA & IMS/GPU & The Ministry of Information

4 modules of Training of trainers in documentation, SHC, Høje-Taastrup

Course in public speaking, FLG/Danish Union of Journalists

Mission to The Gambia: Building Capacity for Advocacy, GPU/GAMES

Course in documentation for Myndighed & SHC, Høje-Taastrup

Course in public speaking, 3Kløveren, Region H

Project Development, “Building the capacities of a GPU in transition”, The Gambia

Course in reflection, Line & Birthe Marie-hjemmet, Hedehusene

Trainers of trainers in journalism, Media Academy Iraq, MiCT

Training TV Reporting, Mini Buzz/Made In Uganda TV

3 modules of Training super users/documentors, Socialpsykiatrien, Herlev

Reporting trip to Virgin Islands/Dansk Vestindien

Course in documentation for Myndighed, Thisted

4 modules course in documentation, Myndighed, Aalborg

13 courses of 5 modules of Training super users/documentors, Voksenhandicap, Aalborg

3 modules course in documentation, Socialpsykiatrien & Myndighed, Hillerød

3 modules course in documentation, Hanne Marie-hjemmet, Roskilde

Moderating interview with Kirsten Birgit, Rasmus & Den korte radioavis, Aarhus Festuge

Learn to teach, 2 days course in pedagogy – KommunikerBedre.dk

Humor in public presentation, International Society of Humor Studies, Dublin

4 modules course in documentation, Bøgelund, Jelling

Workshop: Humor on the job, Ergoterapeutforeningen

4 modules course in documentation, Caroline Marie-hjemmet, København

Training of Mentors for Investigative Journalism, Tunisia, Free Press Unlimited

2 modules course in documentation for Myndighed, Varde

7 courses of 3 modules in documentation, Gladsaxe

Course in documentation, SHC, Høje-Taastrup

Public presentation: Roots – when the ancestors have a say, AOF Ringsted

Workshop for managers, Gladsaxe

3 modules of Training super users/documentors, Samstyrken, Varde

3 modules course in documentation, Selma Marie-hjemmet, Slangerup

Opdateret februar, 2016

Training super users/documentors, SHC, Høje-Taastrup

Course in documentation, Line Marie-hjemmet, Slangerup

Writing brochures and leaflets school managers’ union, Frie Skolers Ledere

Course in documentation, Birthe Marie-hjemmet, Hedehusene

Course in documentation, Væksthuset, Thyregod

Course in documentation, Kammergave, Sorø

Training super users/documentors, SHC, Høje-Taastrup

Five days course in documentation, SHC, Høje-Taastrup

How to use humor in museums’ exhibitions, Djurslands Museer, Randers

Six days road show in writing objectives, DHUV, Socialstyrelsen

Two days course in reflection and documentation, BHC, Aalborg

Four days course in documentation, SHC, Høje-Taastrup

Two days course for super users/documentors, BHC, Aalborg

Eight days course in documentation, SHC, Høje-Taastrup

Writing web news and newsletter, Frie Skolers Ledere

Coordinator of Gambia Communicates, GAMES, DJ Kommunikation, GPU and TANGO

Training course in journalism research, GPU School of Journalism, Gambia

Managing documentation, in-house training, SHC, Høje-Taastrup

Coaching editors – Bryggen, Copenhagen

Effective writing for engineers, IDA, Copenhagen

How to use humor in social work – KUA-C, Aarhus

Training course in journalism research, GPU School of Journalism, Gambia

Article about how to start a school, Frie Skolers Ledere

Humor and communication, workshop, FU, Esbjerg

Humor, Monty Python and communication, workshop, FU, Odense

Four days course in documentation, BHC, Aalborg

Covering a congress for private school managers, Frie Skolers Ledere

Training in Jordan: Coaching Investigative Journalism students at Iraqi universities, UNDP

Opdateret marts, 2015

Workshop in documentation for managers, Sølund, Skanderborg

Public presentation on Humor makes life lighter, Torup Kirke

Article about tools for school management, Frie Skolers Ledere

Workshop in documentation for managers, Sølund, Skanderborg

Four days course in documentation, BHC

Public presentation on genealogical story writing, Bjerringbro

Four days course in documentation, BHC, Aalborg

Article about work environment for managers, Frie Skolers Ledere

Two days workshop in documentation for managers, Sølund, Skanderborg

How to manage documentation development, BHC

Humor and communication, workshop, FU, Herning

Opdateret januar, 2015

Coordinator of Gambia Communicates, GAMES, DJ Kommunikation, GPU and TANGO

Article about post-graduate management, Frie Skolers Ledere

Writing documentation, in-house training, CFBB in Vejle

Training in Jordan: How to teach Investigative Journalism at Iraqi universities, UNDP

Effective documentation, workshop at Nødebogård Behandlingshjem, Fredensborg

Feedback on VRAP, a documentation strategy, Aalborg’s social services department

Workshop in writing for web, Frie Skolers Ledere

Humor as social capital, workshop, Aarhus’ social services department

Communication and web-strategy Development, Frie Skolers Ledere

Information leaflet to pre-school parents, Læssøes Gades Skole, Aarhus

Journalism training, Professional Diploma, GPU School of Journalism, Gambia

Writing documentation, in-house training, Give/Center Vejle

Curriculum development for in-house election training in Tunisia, Update and IMS

Use the right side of the brain in your research, public presentation, Thisted

Curriculum development for Investigative Journalism at Iraqi universities, UNDP

How to journalize and document, course at The Social Academy, Aarhus

Exam and Graduation at the Media Innovateur Program in Tunisia, Update and IMS

Writing documentation, in-house training, Center Vejle

Opdateret juli , 2014

Conference, International Society for Humour Studies, Utrecht, Holland

Training at the Media Innovateur Program in Tunisia, Update and IMS

How to write stories about history, course, Update

How to use sources in stories about history, seminar, Update

Study assessing Safety Training for Reporters, IMS

Writing documentation, in-house training, the institution Mette Marie, Copenhagen

Use the right side of the brain in your research, public presentation, Aars

Reporting for change, public presentation, FU, Lemvig

Training at the Media Innovateur Program in Tunisia, Update and IMS

Writing documentation, in-house training, the institution Spurvetoften, Vejle Kommune

Training at the Media Innovateur Program in Tunisia, Update and IMS

Writing stories about history, public presentation, The Freelance Group of the Danish Union of journalists

Opdateret februar, 2014

Humor and communication, workshop, FU, Herning

Writing Documentation, in-house training, the institution De 2 Gårde, Vejle Kommune

Gambia, Project Development, the GPU School of Journalism – Games

Writing Documentation, in-house training, the institution Bredballe Bofællesskaber, Vejle Kommune

Desk Study assessing Safety Training for Reporters, IMS

Writing documentation, in-house training, the institution Mette Marie, Copenhagen

Management and Documentation, training program, Vejle Kommune

Humor and journalism, public presentation, Danish Union of journalists

Launching of Media Innovateur Program in Tunisia, Update and IMS

Seminar on strategy, visions and methods at the institution Åse Marie, Køge

Workshop on humor, Dalgas Skolen for mentally handicapped

Workshop on writing, Esbjerg Youth Conference

Designing a Media Innovateur Training Program in Tunisia, Update and IMS

Opdateret Oktober, 2013

Humor and communication, public presentation, FU, Kolding

Learn from the crime novel, journalism seminar – Update

Communication workshop, Ghana Friendship Blog Groups in Denmark, Ry

Idea development, presentation at Multiplatform Storytelling and Production, Aarhus

Development of documentation strategies for managers, Vejle Kommune

Writing a website for the institution, Postens Vej, Vejle

Coaching a community workshop initiative in Zambia

Preparing a media development project in Tunisia, Update and IMS

Humor and communication, public presentation, FU, Aarhus

Use the right side of the brain in your research, public presentation, Herning

Humor and communication, public presentation, Region Midt and Viborg Kommune

Coaching a study on self-help groups, Randers

Organizing International Humor Festival, Aarhus and Aalborg, Images

Consultant on strategy development at the institution Åse Marie, Køge

In-house training at the Tunisian weekly Akher Khabar, Update and IMS

In-house training at the Tunisian daily La Presse, Update and IMS

Development of professional documentation, Skansebakken, Vejle

Vietnam, Training of trainers – FOJO

Writing documentation, in-house training, the institution Lunden, Region H, Copenhagen

Humor and communication, public presentation, FU, Aarhus

Gambia, training at the GPU School of Journalism – Games

Humor and communication, public presentation, State and University Library, Aarhus

Humor and communication, public presentation, FU, Odense

In-house training at the Tunisian weekly Akher Khabar, Update and IMS

In-house training at the Tunisian daily La Presse, Update and IMS

Effective documentation, presentation at Bosted Systems, Odense

Opdateret marts, 2013

Effective documentation, in-house training, Skansebakken, Vejle

Fact finding mission, preparing training in Tunisia, Update and IMS

Kalashnikov, idea development for freelance journalists, DJ

Humor and communication, public presentation, FU, Copenhagen

Development of professional documentation, Skansebakken, Vejle

Gambia, workshop, training of trainers – Games

Mini Future Workshop at Culture and Capital, Fundraiseren.dk

Humor and communication, public presentation, Aarhus University

Mini Future Workshop, Dept. of Aesthetics and Communication, Aarhus Uni.

Documentation and pedagogical targets, course,  Skibbyhøj, Region H

Learn to teach, course in pedagogy – Update

Teaching narrative models for profiles, Update

Supervisor on a diploma class thesis, Update

Developing the website www.KommunikerBedre.dk

Mentor for a self-employed communication trainer, Aarhus

Communicate Better, course, Den Sociale Virksomhed, Region H

PR Consultant for ISCI, Iceland

Use the right side of the brain in your research, public presentation, Holstebro

Iraq, training of trainers, investigative journalism – IMS

Make history come alive, public presentation, Aalborg

Study trip to Demark on self-regulation and mid-career training – GAMES

Use the right side of the brain in your research, public presentation, Aalborg

Improve your teaching, in-house training for teachers –The Danish Media and Journalism School 

Iraq, training of trainers, investigative journalism  IMS

Gambia, workshop, training of trainers – Games

Iraq, project development IMS

Portrait writing, course, Update

Humour and communication, course, Update

Writing for magazines, course,O-bladet

Kalashnikov, idea development for freelance journalists, DJ

Effective writing diagnosis and plan, in-house training, Region H

Writing Journalism, diploma education, Update

Vietnam, Training of trainers – FOJO

Learn from the crime novel, seminar and course  Update

Kalashnikov, idea development for freelance journalists – DJ

Effective writing diagnosis and plan, in-house training  Solvang, Region H

Seminar on the Nordic media and right wing radicalism – Update

Gambia, workshop, training of trainers – GAMES

Opdateret Februar, 2012

Use the right side of the brain in your research, public presentation, Randers

Gambia, workshop, training of trainers – GAMES

Write well, in-house training, Infomedia

Lithuania – Training of trainers, FOJO

Idea development, Fyens Stiftstidene

Write well, in-house training, Infomedia

Gambia, project development for a media institute – GAMES

Gambia – magazine articles for e.g. Folkeskolen and Frie Skoler

Gambia, workshop, training of trainers – GAMES

Take the word!  course in public speaking and presentation  Update

Learn to teach, course in pedagogy – Update

Opdateret November, 2011

Working with pedagogical objectives, in-house training – Bostedet Klintegården, Region H.

New book: ”Oprør fra hjertet” (Rebellion from the heart)

Coaching  agricultural journalists – Dansk Landbrugs Medier

Coaching Sønderborg Secretariat for European Capital of Culture 2017

Write journalistically, six weeks diploma course – Update

Course i pedagogy, Minsk University, Belarus – FOJO

Reportage in the interview – Update

Pedagogy, in-house training for teachers – Designhøjskolen 

Talk on  legitimacy in  GAMES – CISU

Portrait of a union man, article – Frie Skoler

Public presentation, A tribute to my ancestors, Thy

Study trip for Vietname journalists – FOJO, Sweden

Humour in ICT,  seminar – IT Relation

Pedagogy, in-hourse training for teachers – Langagerskolen 

Portrait of a secretariat leader – Frie Skoler

Global freelancer – presentation at  Jysk Fagfestival

Opdateret Maj, 2011

Pedagogical seminar for Update teachers

Media activism – workshop for Nordic freelance journalists

Talk on humour and development – Langagerskolen

Learn to teach, course in pedagogy –Update

In the worksholp of the humourist, course  Update

Writing journalism, diploma course – Update

Writer’s course in three modules, Region H. Psychiatry

Vietnam, Training of trainers,  FOJO and Media Training Centre Hanoi

In the workshop of the humourist, Public University Herning

Writer’s course in three modules, bostedet Klintegården, Region H

In the workshop of the humourist, Public University Herning

Seminar in pedagogy, in-house training, Langagerskolen

Pedagogical  seminar for Update teachers

Articles about secretaries in Svalbard, HK Public servants

In the workshop of the humourist, courses at the Public Universitiesin Aalborg and Esbjerg

Articles about sled dog handlers in Svalbard, Frie Skoler, Fyns Stiftstidende, Vi med hund

Learn to teach, course in pedagogy

Reportage trip to  Svalbard

The Portrait School, Update

In the workshop of the humourist, course at the Public University in Odense

Write short and well, DSB

Interview-event  with  John Cleese, John Cleese Society of Aarhus & Omegn

Course in journalism for the unemployed, Update

PR for John Cleese’s Denmark tour

Article about Aarhus Festival Week,  magazine Jord og viden

Course in  pedagogy, Update

Articles about the British union Unite, magazine Substans

New book: Turen går til mentor-land (On the road to mentr-land)

In the worksholp of the humourist, seminar, Public University

Learn to teach, course in pedagogy

Received  Danish Union of Journalists annual prize 2010, Carsten Nielsen Legatet

Gambia: Trainer at  media project

Portrait School – course at Update in two modules

Reportage for the visual – course at Update

PR for Læssøesgades School

Articles about  cooperative learning, Frie Skoler

Humour for SOSU teachers – conference opening

Take the word – workshop at freelance seminar

Structure your  film – lecture, Filmbyen

angling on TV – lecture, SDU

In the workshop of the humourist, Update, writer’s course

Portrait: Madsen and power, Frie Skoler

Articles about   integration of Danes in Argentina for many magazines: Kommunen, Spejlet, Kødkvæg, Hesten, Jord og Viden, Buzz, Road Life, Substans, Fagbladet TIB, Dansk Veterinærtidsskrift, Ejendomsmægleren…

Opdateret Januar, 2010

Reportage trip to Argentina

Workshop in travel journalism, Danish School of Journalism

Gambia: Consultant for media project

Article about flying in balloons, Børsen

Sudan, Khartoum: Training in election coverage

Articles abpout climate solutions for  Natur & Miljø

In the owrkshop of the humourist, seminar, Public University

Learn to teach, course in pedagogy

Presentation about genealogy, Haslev

South Sudan: Training in election coverage

PR, school committee, Læssøesgades School

Write better course, Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation

Write better course, Syddjurs Commune

Articles, among others,  Dansk Handelsblad, Frie Skoler

In-house writer’s course, Energi Midt

Campaign about the imprisonment of Gambian colleagues

Article about Denmark’s Ugliest Festival for Børsen Weeksend

Coaching of reporters in angling and sales

Articles about flying in balloons for Finansbladet

Coaching of mentors handbook

Articles about informing, Frie Skoler

Latvia, media workshop for WHO

Articles about  project work, Folkeskolen

Gambia, volunteer consultant for Games

Travelling reporter, Presentation, Esbjerg Højskole

Training of trainers for IMS, International Media Support

Learn to teach, course in pedagogy

Humour as a tool, seminar

In the workshop of the humourist, writer’s course

Write better course for case workers

Make history come alive, workshop, Folkeuniversitetet

Write trainee declarations, course for Region Midt

Yemen, workshop in pædagogy for professors

Language policy, consultant, Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation

Yemen, Course in web journalism

Articles about  integration in Nørrebro schools

Updated  January 2009

Reportage trip tol Argentina, articles

Travel course for travelling reporters

Learn to teach, course in pedagogy

Write better course for case workers

Writer’s course for Høje-Taastrup Commune

Reportage course in Anholt

Presentation about my ancestors, Vejle

John Cleese Festival 2008, producer

Article about  pedagogical quality in  Australia’s elementary schools

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