Trainer and Consultant

I like to train. It is usually fun. I also like to develop curricula and design training courses. I am actually somewhat of a “course artisan” in journalism, communication and pedagogy, in Denmark and abroad.

As a trainer I offer training of trainers, pedagogical supervision, curriculum development, course planning, open education and distance learning, communication courses and journalism training in everything from investigative reporting to feature writing to editorial writing. is a platform for a large number of communication courses that I offer together with colleagues.

Online kurser
My online courses take place standing and as analogue as possible.
Coach i Afrika og Mellemøsten
Coaching in Africa, the Middle East or Denmark: You listen and keep an overview.


I enjoy training and coaching because of the close contact with those who learn. I can sense if I make a difference. Sometimes I can even see when a Eureka moment transforms a student or participant. It is as if the student has found the missing piece of the jigsaw puzzle. However, the real changes appear only after a period of time. It is a privilege to be the catalyst for such changes.


If training doesn’t lead to the desired change, it doesn’t matter. Indifferent training and teaching may at best be entertaining. At worst it leaves the participants disappointed and disillusioned. The same goes for coaching, I suppose.


There is no such thing as a free ride. We agree to identify the objectives from the very beginning, whether they concenr knowledge, skills or awareness. With clear objectives we can easily evaluate if we reach them. If not, you get a refund!*) *)and here is the note on course contract and responsibility for own learning.


There is no shortage of buzzwords: Learning styles, participatory training, hands-on approach, cooperative learning, action-reflection-learning – all this is just me! My philosophical and practical point of departure is David Kolb’s Learning Cycle and the theory of the four coherent learning styles: The Activist, The Reflector, The Theorist and The Pragmatist.

Undervisning i Himalaya
Teaching under the Himalayan mountains at sunrise when it's too cold indoors.
Underviser i journalistik
I teach journalism all over the world - here in Sulaymaniyah, Iraqish Kurdistan (drawing made by an attentive participant)

Reflections and personal plans

We know how it is: You participate in a course, learn a lot, and get back to the office only to realize that you are not implementing the newly learned material in your work. Either because the routines do not allow it, or it is hard to implement the new ways. To me, the follow-up is just as important as the course itself. Reflections and personal plans are an integrated part of any of my training courses.

As a journalism trainer, I teach at media houses and universities all over the world, in particular I am external lecturer and curriculum developer at the Danish School of Media and Journalism.

As a communication trainer, I teach staff in public offices, private companies and NGOs. I conduct courses in specielized communication for special clients such as hospitals, ministries and banks.

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